Read what people are saying about Beth Randall’s presentations:
‘Very educational and helpful for an orderly and happier life’ – Ray B.
‘I enjoyed this presentation. I hope I can apply this to my life’ – Lori B.
‘Beth, your real life examples and photo examples are very helpful. Thanks’ – Laura P.
‘Loved It! I am now motivated to tackle some new projects.’ – M. Wolf
‘Very interesting presentation. I have been reading many organizing books and had not seen anything on left/right side brains. It really makes sense!’ – Karen S.
‘Very informative and Beth is a great speaker’ – Deb G.
‘There was so much good information. Even though I thought I knew a lot, I got some ‘EXTRA’ tips and I felt the presentation was very organized itself – thank you – enjoyed it!’ – Lisa W.
‘Beth is very motivating, she’s got great organizing ideas’ – Peggy L.
‘Very helpful information for a mom of 4 and recovered hoarder’ – Jonnie M.
‘Wonderful as usual! Thanks Beth! Keep up the great work!’ – Michelle Y.
‘Very nice presentation. Lots of good ideas. I can’t wait to go home and organize’ – Sara B.
‘Great ideas! Fun presentation! Thank you!’ – Mary C.
‘Wonderful – come visit me at my house!’ – Kathy B.
Comments from Golden Corridor Chapter of International Association of Administrative Professionals
Organizing for Your Personality Type – September 20, 2012
In answer to the question: What did you like the most about the program?
‘Beth is a very humorous speaker; very useful ideas; confirmation on what I knew about myself; her enthusiasm; I particularly liked the photos; everything; I think it was a really different topic but something that everyone struggles with; the topic was very interesting; great presentation and enthusiasm; samples of organizing tools and where to purchase and suggested price; humor and keeping it simple; fellowship and food; simplicity; good tips’